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Cancellation of Contract Letter Sample

Cancellation of Contract Letter Sample: Tips and Templates

Sometimes, agreements don`t work out as planned, and parties may need to cancel their contractual relationship. Whether it`s due to a breach of terms, a change of circumstances, or mutual consent, you should always communicate the cancellation in writing to avoid misunderstandings and legal disputes. In this article, we`ll provide some tips and templates for writing a cancellation of contract letter, including the essential elements, the tone, and the format.

Elements of a Cancellation of Contract Letter

Your cancellation letter should include the following elements for clarity and legality:

– The date: Start with the date when you`re writing the letter, and indicate the date when the contract was signed and the effective date of cancellation.

– The recipient: Address the letter to the person or entity who signed the contract, and include their name, title, company, and address. If possible, mention the specific contract and reference number.

– The reason: Briefly explain why you`re canceling the contract, without being defensive or accusatory. Stick to the facts and avoid emotional language. If there was a breach of terms, provide evidence or documentation to support your claim. If it`s a mutual decision, state that explicitly.

– The consequences: Explain the consequences of the cancellation, such as the termination of obligations, the return of goods or services, the refund of payments, or the settlement of disputes. Be clear about the timelines, the procedures, and the expectations. If you`re willing to negotiate new terms or renew the contract later, mention that as well.

– The signature: Sign the letter and include your name, title, company, and contact information. Enclose any additional documents or agreements that may be relevant.

Tips for Writing a Cancellation of Contract Letter

To make your letter professional, effective, and positive, consider the following tips:

– Be polite: Even if you feel frustrated or disappointed, don`t use an angry or rude tone. Keep your language courteous and respectful, and avoid blaming or criticizing the other party. Remember that you may need to work with them again in the future, or that they may have a different perspective on the situation.

– Be clear: Use simple, direct, and specific language to convey your message. Avoid jargon, technical terms, or vague expressions. Use bullet points or numbered lists if you need to highlight key points or steps. Use a font size and style that is easy to read and professional.

– Be concise: Keep your letter brief and to the point, without unnecessary details or explanations. Stick to the facts and the essential information. If you need to add more context or background, do it in a separate document and refer to it in the letter.

– Be proactive: Offer solutions or suggestions to mitigate the negative effects of the cancellation, if possible. For example, you could propose a transition plan, a refund policy, or an alternative service. You could also express your willingness to cooperate or assist in the transfer of responsibilities or assets.

– Be confident: Show that you`re confident about your decision and your rights, but without being aggressive or threatening. Use a tone that inspires trust and professionalism. Provide evidence or legal references if necessary. Avoid using words like « probably, » « maybe, » or « might » that could weaken your position.

Examples of Cancellation of Contract Letter Templates

Here are some examples of cancellation of contract letter templates that you can adapt to your situation:

Sample 1: Cancellation of Services Contract Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Title]

[Recipient Company]

[Recipient Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I am writing to inform you of my decision to cancel the services contract that we signed on [Date]. The contract number is [Number], and the effective date of cancellation is [Date].

The reason for the cancellation is that your company has failed to meet the quality standards and requirements that were agreed upon in the contract. Despite repeated requests and complaints, the services have not improved, and our expectations have not been met. I have enclosed a copy of the contract and the correspondence that supports my claim.

As a consequence of the cancellation, I expect that your company will cease all the services that were specified in the contract, and return all the materials, data, and intellectual property that were provided by my company. I also expect that any outstanding payments or invoices will be adjusted to reflect the partial or complete termination of the contract.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don`t hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone] or [Your Email]. I appreciate the cooperation and professionalism that you have demonstrated so far, and I hope that we can resolve this matter without further complications.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

Sample 2: Cancellation of Purchase Contract Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Title]

[Recipient Company]

[Recipient Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient Name],

I regret to inform you that I am canceling the purchase contract that we signed on [Date]. The contract number is [Number], and the effective date of cancellation is [Date].

The reason for the cancellation is that the product that I received does not match the specifications and quality standards that were promised in the contract. The delivery was delayed, the packaging was damaged, and the product was defective. I have attached some photos and samples that illustrate my complaint.

As a consequence of the cancellation, I expect that your company will take back the product and provide a full refund of the amount that I paid. I will return the product to your address, and I would appreciate it if you could arrange the pickup and the refund as soon as possible. You can contact me at [Your Phone] or [Your Email] to coordinate the details.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don`t hesitate to contact me. I value the business relationship that we have established, and I hope that we can resolve this issue in a fair and satisfactory manner.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]


Writing a cancellation of contract letter can be a daunting task, but it`s a crucial step in the process of ending a relationship that no longer works. By following our tips and using our templates, you can create a letter that is clear, concise, and professional, and that protects your rights and interests. Always keep a copy of the letter and the supporting documents for your records, and stay open to negotiation and communication if needed.